Slate of Eight

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  • Andrew Johnson
    commented 2021-05-06 02:12:12 -0400
    Eliot Howsie = black male incombent. Is there something I should know about his record on the court that prevented him from being endorsed?
  • Diane Averill
    commented 2021-04-23 00:56:47 -0400
    Thank you, but there is a very general and pat definition of each rating on the ACBA website, but no specific information about how or why the ACBA arrived at its assessment of any particular candidate. I want to know what the ACBA thinks Mr. Pappas lacks in terms of qualifications; that information is nowhere to be found as far as I can see.
  • Toni Yates
    commented 2021-04-22 17:02:16 -0400
    Information on how judicial candidates are rated can be found on the Allegheny County Bar Association website.
  • Diane Averill
    commented 2021-04-22 15:44:30 -0400
    Does anyone know how to find out why a candidate was not recommended? I am shocked to find that Mik Pappas did not get an endorsement from the county bar association and plan to vote for him anyway. He has done so much good at the magisterial level.
  • Toni Yates
    commented 2021-04-21 22:28:01 -0400
    Vote for Nicola Henry-Taylor. Very well qualified candidate.
  • John Burke
    commented 2021-04-19 10:53:54 -0400
    Uh oh. 3 of these candidates – Wagner, Pappas and Rediker received “not recommended” rating by the Allegheny County Bar Association.
  • Kacy McGill
    published this page in Endorsements 2021-03-18 20:39:52 -0400